A.S. Cybersecurity
Credit Hours
Class Type
100%在线,6 & 12周的课程
Jan 8, 2024

Secure your future with an associate degree in cybersecurity

网络威胁正在上升,更不用说变得越来越复杂了. Large, medium or small, no business is immune from them. Worse, 网络犯罪造成的灾难性数据丢失可能会破坏甚至使企业或行业破产. 因此,网络安全专业人员的需求前所未有. Launch your career in this dynamic field by earning your A.S. Cybersecurity from Franklin. 


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Get exposed to a variety of tech-focused pathways.

Real-World Practitioners






网络、计算机和数据泄露会对企业的底线造成毁灭性的影响. Earn your A.S. 网络安全,学习如何帮助企业保护自己免受代价高昂的网络攻击.

At Franklin, you’ll learn how to make a real impact on business by helping protect sensitive and critical information from unauthorized disclosure, 使用或修改(无意或无意). You’ll also learn how security requirements and activities, such as risk identification, 威胁建模, security testing and monitoring, fit into the overall systems development lifecycle.

因为mg不朽情缘游戏网址的网络安全学位要求是为了帮助你充分利用你的专业, you’ll learn the fundamentals of computer science, 信息技术, security, 信息系统和网页设计, too. You will be exposed to critical infrastructure security, 云计算风险, cryptography, 信息安全保障, 数字取证, penetration testing and enterprise risk management. You’ll also learn how to identify security risks, determine their impact on people, 流程和系统, 并制定缓解计划来阻止它们. Through hands-on lab assignments, 您还将获得宝贵的经验,了解如何应对日益严重的恶意攻击, threats and vulnerabilities.

mg不朽情缘游戏网址的网络安全学位课程是100%在线的, 这样你就可以在获得学位的同时保持工作与学习的平衡, too. And, if you decide to pursue your bachelor’s degree at Franklin, 你已经有了一个坚实的课程基础,可以为你完成学业做准备 B.S. Cybersecurity degree program and open yourself up to even more career opportunities.

Earn your degree from a university built for busy adults

Earn your degree on your terms by taking classes 100% online. Accredited and nonprofit, Franklin was built from the ground-up to satisfy the needs of adult learners. mg不朽情缘游戏网址的无缝转换流程和学术顾问团队将帮助您轻松过渡到成为学生, 而mg不朽情缘游戏网址灵活的课程安排有助于平衡你的教育和工作, 家庭与生活. 从今天开始规划你的未来.

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Curriculum & 课程描述

Fundamental 通识教育
ENG 120 -大学写作(4)

In this course, 学生掌握进行和展示研究所必需的写作能力. A variety of assignments, 从个人反思开始, 相互建立, 当学生发展想法回应, critique, 并综合其他人的立场. 学生系统化和组织知识的方式将有助于他们的所有课程. The course also emphasizes the elements of good writing style, 适当的语法和机制, 语言清晰, 以及逻辑性和凝聚力的发展. It culminates in submission of a documented research paper.

MATH 160 -大学代数(4)

This course is designed to prepare students for Applied Calculus and Discrete Mathematics and to provide the mathematical background needed for the analytic reasoning used in other courses. 主题包括函数和它们的图形, including exponential and logarithmic functions; complex numbers; systems of equations and inequalities; matrices; basic principles of counting and probability; and other selected topics. 注意:本课程有监考考试。.

OR MATH 215 - Statistical Concepts (4)

本课程向学生介绍统计学与商业应用. The course covers both descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics included are: measures of central tendency; measures of dispersion; graphical displays of data; linear regression; basic probability concepts; binomial and normal probability distributions; confidence intervals; and hypothesis testing. 这些主题将涵盖使用代数和微软Excel的基本知识. 注意:本课程有监考考试。.

Choose MATH 150 Fundamental Algebra as the prerequisite. 这门课可以算作大学选修课.

Social and Behavioral Sciences

6 credits from the following types of courses:
Choose from the Anthropology, Geography, History, 政治科学, Psychology, or Sociology disciplines.


6 credits from the following types of courses:
理科的两门课程. 一门课程必须有实验部分.

Arts & Humanities
HUMN 211 -批判伦理学导论(2)

Critical Ethics uses critical thinking to get around the limitations of personal belief and indoctrination to get to what ought to be done and why to improve the human condition. Accordingly, the goal of this course is to help the student improve his/her ethical analysis and evaluation skills to help the student do the thing that must be done, when it ought to be done, using critical thinking.

4 credits from the following types of courses:
从艺术中选择, 英国文学, Fine Arts, Humanities, Music, Philosophy, Religion or Theater disciplines.

Additional 通识教育
PF 121 - Basic Learning Strategies (2)

This course introduces students to the mg不朽情缘游戏网址 community and provides strategies for successful transition to and participation in that community. Topics include University resources and procedures, 提高沟通技巧的策略, 利用电子工具参与虚拟环境, and the development of an academic and career plan.

OR PF 321 - Learning Strategies (2)

本课程为学生在学术上和他们选择的职业中成为成功的终身学习者做好准备. Franklin courses require a high level of self-directed learning and focus on skills required in the workplace and the classroom that are easily transferable between the two environments. 本课程包括提高沟通技巧的策略, 包括利用电子工具参与虚拟环境. 课程中的作业和活动是为了模拟工作场所的团队合作而设计的.

COMM 150 -人际沟通(4)

By using applied critical and creative thinking, students in this course will develop a set of communication skills that will enhance their personal and professional relationships and endeavors. 本课程将侧重于技能发展的关键领域,如自我, perception, listening, 语言信息, conversations, relationships, 冲突管理, persuasion, 以及公开演讲.

OR SPCH 100 - Speech Communication (4)

这门公开演讲课程强调即席演讲的基础. Skill-building activities and assignments focus on research, organization, reasoning, 演讲的风格和表达,以及倾听和听众参与.

ENG 220 - Research Writing: Exploring Professional Identities (4)

这是一门中级课程,侧重于研究论文的写作. Students in this course prepare to be active participants in professional discourse communities by examining and practicing the writing conventions associated with their own fields of study and work. By calling attention to the conventions of disciplinary writing, the course also prepares students for upper-division college writing and the special conventions of advanced academic discourse. Course activities include three extended research papers, semi-formal writing addressing interdisciplinary communication, 和阅读培养批判性参与学科对话.

COMP 101 -用电脑解决问题(二)

今天,许多组织利用计算机和信息系统来存储数据, organize, analyze, 并总结数据来解决问题. 因此,计算机是一种工具,可以使学生在许多不同的领域受益. 用计算机解决问题的核心是使用算法研究结构化思维. 本课程是为没有编程经验的学生设计的,并教授算法的构建模块, 包括变量, expressions, 选择和重复结构, functions and parameters, 数组处理. 注意:本课程有监考考试。.

ITEC 136 - Principles of Programming (4)

本课程为至少有一些编程背景的个人提供基本的编程原理. 主要的主题是结构化编程, 解决问题, 算法设计, top-down stepwise refinement, 软件生命周期. Topics will include testing, data types, operators, 重复和选择控制结构, functions, arrays, and objects. 学生将用相关的编程语言设计、编码、测试、调试和记录程序. 注意:本课程有监考考试。.

COMP 204 -计算机网络原理(二)

This course serves as an introduction to the function, design, administration, 以及计算机网络的实现. 主题包括网络基础设施, architecture, protocols, applications, and the OSI networking model. 注意:本课程有监考考试。.

COMP 281 -数据库管理系统(4)

This course covers fundamental concepts necessary for the design, use, implementation and administration of database systems. 本课程将强调数据库建模和设计的基础知识, 数据库管理系统提供的语言和功能, 以及实现和管理数据库系统的一些技术. 注意:本课程有监考考试。.

ISEC 200 -网络安全基础(二)

The Internet has changed dramatically; so have the activities that are dependent on it in some shape or form. 了解对安全的需求, it's influence on people, 企业与社会, 业务驱动因素同样至关重要. 该课程还涵盖了恶意攻击, threats and vulnerabilities common to the world of security, as well as access controls, 评估和应对风险的方法. Hands-on labs accompany the various concepts that are taught.

ISEC 325 ——沟通 & 网络安全(4)

Networks are the major point of entry to most computer systems. Preventing unwanted intrusion, use, abuse, 对于试图保护其资产的组织来说,通信渠道的泛滥是一个高度优先考虑的问题. 网络安全就是保持网络资源的适当使用,同时防止不被允许的使用. In this course, 您将学习如何使用防火墙, VPNs, 和状态包检测技术,以加强计算机网络. Topics include packet filtering, 入侵检测和防御, ingress and egress rules, monitoring, network access controls, authentication, authorization, and auditing.

WEBD 101 -网页制作入门(2)

This course covers the fundamental concepts necessary for the construction of web pages using the basic building blocks of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (css). 详细介绍了使用网页开发环境构建网页的HTML和XHTML. 介绍了css样式的使用.

ITEC 200 - Linux Fundamentals (2)

This course introduces the Linux operating system with a focus on the foundational Linux concepts and core tasks of the system administrator. 学生将学习维护和操作Linux系统的大量命令和工具. 本课程采用动手实验练习,为学生提供专业经验.

CLOUD 200 - Cloud Fundamentals (2)

This course explores the concepts of cloud computing, including financial impacts and business value, 金融需求, deployment, risks, and security. 动手练习帮助学生获得云计算环境的经验, 确定给定部署场景的技术和安全需求, implementing the proposed cloud deployment scenario, 解决现有云计算场景的技术问题. 已经获得ITEC 205学分的学生不能再获得CLOUD 200学分.

Additional Requirements

All students are required to pass College Writing (ENG 120), and either Basic Learning Strategies (PF 121) or Learning Strategies (PF 321) prior to enrolling in any course at the 200 level or above. Students who enroll at Franklin with 30 or fewer hours of transfer credit are required to pass PF 121 Basic Learning Strategies in place of PF 321 Learning Strategies. Interpersonal Communication (COMM 150) or Speech Communication (SPCH 100) must be taken prior to enrolling in any course at the 300 level or above. 学生还必须满足大学代数能力要求.


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信息系统安全专家参与计算机的评估, 网络和信息系统威胁, vulnerabilities and breaches.


操作系统安全专家协助监控和维护系统的稳定性, 控制和安全的操作环境.


Applications security specialists support the identification of vulnerabilities and perform root-cause analysis of security-related applications issues.


信息保障安全专家协助安全风险管理, including identifying weaknesses, addressing vulnerabilities and preventing unauthorized access.


Cybersecurity engineers lead cybersecurity operations, build technical roadmaps and manage virtual network models.

Cybersecurity Threat Analyst

网络安全威胁分析师检查内部网络运营, 以及新兴的网络威胁和趋势, 包括复杂的恶意软件和利用取证和网络流量. 


下面列出的证书和培训与这个学位课程相关. 搜索mg不朽情缘游戏网址的数据库以查看预评估的凭证,并查看许可证如何, 认证或专业培训为你获得学位节省了时间和金钱.
